Francis T. Maloney High School


Savago, Mary  »

Career and Technical Education Department Leader

Savejs, Kevin  »

Art Department

Scaccianemici, Angela  »

World Language Department

Shahid, Faiza  »

Special Education Department

Silvestrini, Carlos  »

World Language Department

Simone, Cynthia  »

Nursing - Career and Technical Education Department

Slavin, Jennifer  »

Counseling Department

Sorensen, Richard  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Soto, Roberto  »

Science Department

Sperry, Jessica  »

Fine Arts Department Chair, Art Department

Struble, Laurie  »

Science Department

Tedder, Jennifer  »

English Department

Torda, Michael  »

Math Department

Tremblay, Thomas  »

Math Department

Dubois, Kate  »

English Department

Vazquez, Zenaida  »

World Language Department

Ward, Jennifer  »

Science Department

Watson, Christopher  »

History Department

Watson, Lindsay  »

English Department

Webber, Alicia  »

School Counselor

Wojas, Amy  »

Math Department

Lynch, Aiden  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Petrosky, Beth  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Corgan, Taylor  »

English Department

Pragano, Sean  »

Technology Education

Tyson, Marvin  »

Special Education

Thorp, Michael  »


Durbak, Mark  »

Social Studies

Loubier, Katie  »

Social Studies

Manware, Amy  »

Technology Integrated Specialist

Covill, Kevin  »

Grade 9 Transition Specialist

Miranda, Simmi  »

Grade 9 Transition Specialist

Wilson, Rachel  »


Lalla, Robert  »

Special Education

Plenter, Rebecca Bliss  »

Special Education Department Leader

Aresco, Scott  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Auletta, Francis J.  »

Physical Education Department

Avritch, Matthew  »

Social Studies Department

Banas, Deborah  »

History Department

Banas, Matthew  »

Social Studies Department

Britton, Mark  »

Science Department

Cardillo, Chad  »

Social Studies Department

Caroso, Gianluca  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Ciotto, Gabby  »

World Language Department

Picard, Ciara  »

Fine Arts Department

Cyr, Brian  »

Music Department

Cyr, Kelly  »

English Department

Dacorte, Andrew  »

Social Studies Department

Perez, Aracelis  »

World Language Department

Duell, Jennifer  »

Science Department

Esposito, Marisa  »

English Department

Fenn, Wendy  »

Math Department

Ford, Dina  »

Family Consumer Science

Frederick, Kevin  »

Special Education Department

Gaffney, Daniel  »

English Department

Gallo, Bonnie  »

Fine Arts Department

Gilchrist, Amy  »

Physical Education Department

Gonzalez, Damarys  »

Bilingual Department

Gonzalez, Michael  »

Math Department

Good, Patrick  »

English Department

Gordon, Thomas  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Hanley, Kate  »

School Physchologist

Helland, Gabriel  »

Science Department

Preece, Kimberly  »

Special Education Department

Kallinich, Glen  »

Physical Education Department

Salafia, Allison  »

English Department

Lipka, Barbara  »

Math Department

Lobner, Daniel  »

History Department

Duong, Wendy Lou  »

Math Department

Mancini Averitt, Lauren  »

History Department

Marsh, Robert  »

Math Department

McKee, Cari  »

Physical / Health Education Department

Sullivan, Ian  »

Physical Education Department

Perez,Tyrone  »

Science Department

Miller, Kristen  »

Special Education Department

Mirabello, Jeffrey  »

Special Education Department

Oldakowski, Stephanie  »

Math Department

Page, Stephen  »

Math Department

Parness, David  »

Science Department

Pelletier, David  »

Music Department

Pulino, Jonathan  »

English Department

Rawlinson, Craig  »

Physical Education Department

Regan, Sarah  »

Math Department

Rodriguez, Olga M.  »

World Language Department

Gorss, Deanna  »

School Counseling Department

Royce, Yvonne  »

Career and Technical Education Department

Cookson, Kyle  »

Frederick, Lori  »

Hansen, Samantha  »

Lents, Charles  »

Math Department

Thomas, Melane  »

Counselor DL