Title |
Series |
Dept. |
Call Number |
Run Time |
Journey of Man |
SS |
DVD 599.9 Jou |
120 |
Miro. Theatre of dreams |
FA |
DVD 759.6 Mir |
56 |
Fiddler on the Roof |
SS |
DVD 796.2 Fid |
3hrs |
Joseph and the Amazing Techni-Color Dream Coat |
FA |
DVD 796.2 Jos |
78 |
Real Olympics |
SS |
DVD 796.48 Rea |
110 |
Martin Luther |
SS |
DVD 921 Lut |
110 |
Japan |
Empires |
SS |
DVD 952 Jap |
180 |
Reconstruction: the second Civil War |
SS |
DVD 973.8 Rec |
180 |
Jesus Factor |
SS |
DVD 973.9Jes |
57 |
Hamlet 2 copies -recorded |
Eng |
VC 822.33 Ham |
Computer Science: Amazing Graphics |
Science Screen Report |
VC .004 Com |
12:35 |
Research: Testing the Future |
Science Screen Report |
VC 001.4 Res |
15:26 |
Chariots of the Gods: The Mysteries Continue |
SS |
VC 001.9Cha |
50 |
Salem Witch Trials |
SS |
VC 133.4 Sal |
50 |
Discovering Psychology(8 vols., 16 programs) |
SS |
VC 150 Dis |
30 each |
Don't Forget |
Scientific American Frontiers |
SS |
VC 153.1 Don |
60 |
Self-Assessment: A Tool for Career Decision |
VC 155.2 Sel |
Student Stress: Coping with Academic Pressures 2 parts |
VC 158 Stu |
115 each |
Tug of War: Strategies for Conflict Resolution |
SS |
VC 158 Tug |
20 |
What is Your Coping Style? |
VC 158 Wha |
34 |
Bioethical Issues |
In our times |
SS |
VC 174 Bio |
20 |
Who You are and What You Are: Understanding Sex Roles |
HE |
VC 176 Who |
40 |
You Would If You Loved Me |
HE |
VC 176 You |
31 |
Pillars of Faith |
Religions around the World |
SS |
VC 200Pil |
48 |
FDR (Heroes & Villains of the 20th Century) |
SS |
VC 21Roo |
40 |
Reformation (revised) |
SS |
VC 270.6 Ref |
13:35min |
Peter & Paul: the Christian Revolution |
Empires |
SS |
VC 270.Pet |
120 |
Inquisition |
History mysteries |
SS |
VC 272.2Inq |
90 |
Shakers |
Ken Burn's America series |
SS |
VC 289 Sha |
58 |
Islam, Empire of Faith 2 parts |
Empires |
SS |
VC 291 Isl |
90 |
Atlars of the World: Eastern Religions |
SS |
VC 294 Alt |
53 |
Mosque |
SS |
VC 297 Mos |
28 |
Muslims in America |
SS |
VC 297 Mus |
22 |
Person to Person: Learning to Communicate |
VC 302.2 Per |
Violence in the Media |
20th Century with Mike Wallace |
SS |
VC 303.6 Vio |
50 |
Environment: New Global Concerns |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 304.2 Env |
19 |
Inheritance |
SS |
VC 304.8 |
Longest Hatred ( parts 1 & 2) |
SS |
VC 304.8 Lon |
150 |
Child Development: The First Two Years |
SS |
VC 305.232 Chi |
47 |
Life's First Feelings |
SS |
VC 305.232 Lif |
60 |
Promised Land 3 volumes |
Discovery Channel |
SS |
VC 308.8 |
165 total |
Civics & Government 4 parts |
ABC News |
SS |
VC 320 Civ |
Fascist Dictatorships |
SS |
VC 320.533 Fas |
36 |
Nationalists |
The Europeans |
SS |
VC 320.54 Nat |
Rise of National Monarchies |
SS |
VC 321 Ris |
Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream" |
SS |
VC 323.11Mar |
25 |
Eyes on the Prize( 4 volumes, 8 programs) |
SS |
VC 323.4 Eye |
60 ea |
For Which It Stands |
SS |
VC 323.4 For |
24 |
Dangerous Songs - Censors, Rock and the First Amendment |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 323.44 Dan |
18 |
Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizenship |
SS |
VC 323.6Rig |
23 |
Republican Party 1960-1992 |
SS |
VC 324.273 |
52 |
Democratic Party 1960-1992 |
America's Political Parties |
SS |
VC 324.2Ame |
58 |
Ellis Island |
SS |
VC 325.73 |
Ell |
Remembering Ellis Island |
SS |
VC 325.73 Rem |
Underground Railroad |
SS |
VC 326Und |
100 |
U.S. Foreign Policy |
SS |
VC 327.73US |
Congress |
Ken Burn's America Series |
SS |
VC 328.73 |
90 |
History & Function of the Senate |
SS |
VC 328.73 His |
28 |
US Congress and You: Rep. Rosa DeLauro |
SS |
VC 328.73 Uni |
20 |
U.S. Congress and You |
Rosa DeLauro |
SS |
VC 328.73 Uni |
30 |
Legislative Branch |
U.S. Government |
SS |
VC 328.73Leg |
Global Experience: Guide to understanding the developing world |
Save the Children |
SS |
VC 330.9 Glo |
70 |
Career planning steps |
SS |
VC 331.1 Car |
Investigating the World of Work |
VC 331.1 Inv |
Keys to Job Success |
Vocational and career planning video series |
VC 331.1 Key |
Occupational Preparation |
VC 331.1 Occ |
Plans for Success |
Vocational and career planning video series |
VC 331.1 Pla |
Quiz Master |
Vocational and career planning video series |
VC 331.1 Qui |
Self-Awareness and your career options |
SS |
VC 331.1 Sel |
30 |
Self-Image and Your Career |
VC 331.128823 Sel |
Stock Market Crash of 1987 |
SS |
VC 332.624 |
23 |
America Recycles: Preserving Resources |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 333.7 Ame |
18 |
Fuels and Gases |
Science Screen Report |
VC 333.7 Fue |
14:21 |
Energy: Power from thin air |
Science Screen Report |
VC 333.79 Ene |
14:13 |
Energy: Heat Beneath Our Feet |
Science Screen Report |
VC 333.791 Ene |
14:20 |
Smart Choices, A rescource guide for energy conservation |
SS |
VC 333.791 Sma |
Solar Energy: A Bright Future |
Science Screen Report |
VC 333.792 Sci |
13:57 |
Wildlife Warriors: Defending Africa's Animals |
National Geographic |
SS |
VC 333.95 Wil |
60 |
Crash of 1929 |
SS |
VC 338.54Cra |
60 |
Where We Stand |
Citizen Awareness |
SS |
VC 339.4 Whe |
30 |
We the People: The U.S. Constitution & You |
SS |
VC 342 We |
U.S. Constitution & the Bill of Rights |
U.S. Government |
SS |
VC 342.73US |
Environment Laboratory in a Freezer |
Science Screen Report |
VC 344 Env |
24:20:00 |
Environmental Science: Reclamation - Restoring the Land |
Science Screen Report |
VC 344 Env |
13 |
Guns and the Constitution |
SS |
VC 344 Gun |
15 |
Handguns: An American Tragedy |
SS |
VC 344 Han |
Legal Issues for Educators |
MFT Workshop |
SS |
VC 344.07 Lea |
Scottsboro: An American Tradgedy |
SS |
VC 345.73SCO |
90 |
Slave Ship |
AssignmenDiscovery |
SS |
VC 345Sla |
Az vs. Dr. Ed.Blake |
You Are The Jury |
SS |
VC 347 Ari |
50 |
Equal Justice Under The Law |
SS |
VC 347 Equ |
Leroy Reed & State of Ohio vs James Wolsky |
Inside The Jury Room |
SS |
VC 347 Ins |
60 |
JUSTICE: What Is It? Part A & B |
SS |
VC 347 Jus |
1:30 |
Making Goverment Work - You And The Courts |
SS |
VC 347 MAK |
60 |
Ohio vs. Jamison |
You Are The Jury |
SS |
VC 347 Ohi |
60 |
Your Court System and You |
Jim Maloney |
SS |
VC 347 You |
30 |
Judicial Branch |
U.S. Government |
SS |
VC 347.73Jud |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Science Screen Report |
VC 351.85 Nat |
IRS Horror Stories |
Investigative Reports |
SS |
VC 351.9 Inv |
50 |
Executive Branch |
SS |
VC 351Exe |
People Bomb |
SS |
VC 353 .91 Peo |
105 |
Hugh Sidey on the Presidency |
SS |
VC 353 Hug |
38:15 |
Leadership style in the White House |
Time ED |
SS |
VC 353 Lea |
38:15:00 |
Technology and Science for a Safer Tommorrow |
Science Screen Report |
SS |
VC 355 Tec |
16 |
Help For People with Visual Impairments |
Science Screen Report |
SS |
VC 362.4 Hel |
13:45 |
Our Nation's Homeless: Who, Where and Why |
SS |
VC 362.5 Our |
22 |
Teenage Runaways |
SS |
VC 362.7 Tee |
Date Rape: Violence Between Friends |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 362.88 Dat |
22 |
48 Hours “Deadly Mix” |
SS |
VC 363.1 For |
58:16:00 |
Disasters are Preventable |
SS |
VC 363.3 Dis |
22 |
To Keep and bear arms: gun control and the Second Amendment |
SS |
VC 363.33To |
30 |
Roe v. Wade: The Debate Continues |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 363.46 Roe |
17 |
Story of Garbage |
Science Screen Report |
SS |
VC 363.72 Sto |
23:23 |
The People Bomb |
SS |
VC 363.91 Peo |
105 |
Juvenile Justice |
Frontline |
SS |
VC 364.36Juv |
90 |
Benchmarks for a Multicultural School Assessment |
Multicultural information series |
SS |
VC 370.193 Ben |
30 |
Conceptual Approach to Multicultural Education |
SS |
VC 370.193 Con |
30 |
Motivating Minority Students to Learn |
Multicultural Information Series |
SS |
VC 370.193 Mot |
30 |
Nature of Multicultural Education |
Multicultural Information Series |
SS |
VC 370.193 Nat |
30 |
Strategies for Multicultural Teaching |
SS |
VC 370.193 Str |
30 |
Teaching a Multicultural Lesson |
Multicultural information series |
SS |
VC 370.193 Tea |
30 |
Values Component of Multicultural Education |
SS |
VC 370.193 Val |
30 |
How to Survive in School: Note-taking and Outlining Skills |
SS |
VC 371.3 How |
Putting high school to work for you |
Eng |
VC 371.4 Put |
35 |
Putting High School to Work for You |
SS |
VC 371.4 Put |
35 |
College experience: What's it like? |
SS |
VC 371.8 Col |
30 |
Why Didn't I Think of That? |
SS |
VC 372.8 Why |
28 |
Building Character schoolwide |
PC |
VC 375.Bui PC |
Economics in the 90's |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 382.1 Eco |
19 |
Iron Road |
American Experiences |
SS |
VC 385Iro |
58 |
Panama Canal |
SS |
VC 386.44Pan |
50 |
Noel A Paris |
FL |
VC 394.268 Noe |
20 |
Passage of Presidential Power |
SS |
VC 394.4 Pas |
45 |
African Story Magic |
SS |
VC 398 Afr |
27 |
Morte d'arthur (Le) |
English Literature on Video |
VC 398.22 Mor |
50 |
Vous La France |
FL |
VC 440 Vou |
15/ :25 |
Buongirno Italia Part I |
FL |
VC 450 Buo |
15/ :25 |
Buongirno Italia Part II |
FL |
VC 450 Buo |
5/ :15 |
Dicho Y Hecho |
FL |
VC 460 Dic |
4/ :15 |
Secrets of the Rosetta Stone |
SS |
VC 493 Sec |
50 |
Space Science: Living in Space |
Science Screen Report |
VC 500.5 Spa |
23:07 |
Space Science: Exploring the Red Planet |
Science Screen Report |
VC 500.5 Spa |
22:58 |
Space Science: Voyagers Explore our Solar System |
Science Screen Report |
VC 500.5 Spa |
12:32 |
Business and Consumer Math |
MA |
VC 510 Bus |
20/ :15 |
Challenge of the unknown (7 programs) |
MA |
VC 510 Cha |
7/25min |
Early History of Mathematics |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 510 Ear |
30 |
Mathematics: Early history of Mathematics Projcet Mathematics |
MA |
VC 510 Ear |
Futures Pt. II (math & sci. careers) |
MA |
VC 510 Fut |
12/ :15 |
Futures Pt. I (math & sci. careers) |
MA |
VC 510 Fut |
12/ :15 |
Math For Technology I |
MA |
VC 510 Mat |
10/ :15 |
Math For Technology II |
MA |
VC 510 Mat |
10/ :15 |
Mathwise Pt. II (programs 9-12) |
MA |
VC 510 Mat |
4/ :15 |
Math Works |
MA |
VC 510 Mat |
24/ :15 |
Mathwise Pt. I (programs 1-8) |
MA |
VC 510 Mat |
8/ :15 |
Conic Sections |
MA |
VC 512 Con |
6/ :10 |
Solving Problems with powers & roots (unit14) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
9:40 |
Using formulas to solve problems (unit 15) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
8:00 |
Using ratios and proportions (unit 9) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
8:18 |
Working with scale drawings (Unit 10) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
10:14 |
Using scientific notations (unit 12) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
10:30 |
Using signed numbers & vectors (unit 11) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
9.22 |
Precision, accuracy and tolerance (unit 13) |
Applied Mathematics |
MA |
VC 512 Cor |
11:54 |
Essentials Of Algebra II (Vol 1) |
MA |
VC 512 Ess |
2:20 |
Basic Math (with basic rules card) |
Standard Deviants Presents |
MA |
VC 513 Bas |
101 |
Basic Mathematical Skills -Estimating |
MA |
VC 513 Bas |
22:40 |
Math...Who Needs It? |
MA |
VC 513 Mat |
50 |
Basic Math - (with basic rules card) |
Standard Deviants Presents |
MA |
VC 513 Sta |
101 |
Fractions - Part I |
MA |
VC 513.2 Fra |
120 |
Fractions - Part II |
MA |
VC 513.2 Fra |
120 |
Percents |
MA |
VC 513.2 Per |
120 |
Decimals |
MA |
VC 513.5 Dec |
120 |
Calculus in the year 2000 |
MA |
VC 515 Cal |
Limit |
MA |
VC 515 Lim |
11 |
Similarities |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 515 Sim |
26 |
Volume by Shells |
MA |
VC 515 Vol |
Volume of a Solid Revolution |
MA |
VC 515 Vol |
Chaos, Fractuals & Dynamics: Computer Experiments in Mathematics |
MA |
VC 516 Cha |
63 |
Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics |
Science Television |
MA |
VC 516 Cha |
1:03 |
Geometric Supposer |
MA |
VC 516 Geo |
30 |
Landscape Of Geometry (3copies) |
MA |
VC 516 Lan |
8/ :15 |
Polynomials |
MA |
VC 516 Pol |
27:38:00 |
Theorem Of Pythagoras |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 516 Pyt |
26 |
Story Of Pi |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 516 Sto |
23:34 |
Tunnel of Samos |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 516 Tun |
30 |
Vectors |
MA |
VC 516 Vec |
6/10 min. programs |
Beauty and Complexity of the Mandelbrot Set |
Science Television |
MA |
VC 516.15 Bea |
73 |
Sines & Cosines Part II |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 516.24 Sin |
30 |
Sines & Cosines Part III |
Project Mathematics |
MA |
VC 516.24 Sin |
30 |
Trignometric Functions:Solving Triangles Pt. I |
MA |
VC 516.24 Tri |
6/ :10 |
Trignometry: Tunnel Of Saimos |
MA |
VC 516.24 Tri |
30 |
Trigonometric Functions: Solving Triangles |
MA |
VC 516.24 Tri |
6/10 min programsd |
Trignometric Functions:Solving Triangles Pt. II |
MA |
VC 516.24 Tri |
6/ :10 |
Business and Consumer Math |
MA |
VC 519 Bus |
20/15 min. programs |
Consumer Math |
MA |
VC 519 Con |
2:00 |
Astronomy |
Science Screen Report |
VC 520 Ast |
23:31 |
Science Explores the Sun |
Science Screen Report |
VC 523 Sci |
13:26 |
Behind the big bang theory |
Science Screen Report |
VC 523.1 Beh |
15:38 |
Search for Black Holes |
Science Screen Report |
VC 523.1Sea |
25:14:00 |
Scientific Look at the Sun |
SS |
VC 523.7 Sci |
18:33 |
Physics: Defying Gravity |
Science Screen Report |
VC 530 Phy |
26:40:00 |
Physics: Forces at Work |
Science Screen Report |
VC 530 Phy |
11:45 |
Physics: Superconductivity for the 21st Century |
Science Screen Report |
VC 530 Phy |
11:29 |
Physics: Electromagnetics at Work |
Science Screen Report |
VC 530 Phy |
14 |
Basic Math - Measurement |
MA |
VC 530.8 Bas |
30 |
Nature of Fire |
SS |
VC 536 Nat |
21:30 |
Electronic Powerhouse |
Science Screen Report |
VC 537 Ele |
17:25 |
Electricity: Currents of Power |
Science Screen Report |
VC 537 Ele |
17:53 |
Chemistry: Lime - Nature's Pollution Fighter |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
12:59 |
Chemistry: Mastering Molecules |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
12:50 |
Chemistry: The Basics |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
14:57 |
Chemistry at Work |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
12:35 |
Chemistry: Changing States of Matter |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
15:45 |
Chemistry: Plastics - Problems and Solutions |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
13:25 |
Chemistry: Boron |
Science Screen Report |
VC 540 Che |
14:15 |
Elements and Compunds |
Science Screen Report |
VC 546 Ele |
15:58 |
Elements and Compounds |
Science Screen Report |
VC 546 Ele |
13:42 |
Elements of Nature |
Science Screen Report |
VC 546 Ele |
15:58 |
Mineralogy: Minerals- Our Precious Resources |
Science Screen Report |
VC 549 Min |
13:34 |
Earth Science: Winds on Our Earth |
Science Screen Report |
VC 550 Ear |
14:36 |
Earth Science: Deserts-Hostile Environments |
Science Screen Report |
VC 550 Ear |
15:10 |
Earth Science: Earth Inside & Out |
Science Screen Report |
VC 550 Ear |
12:35 |
Earth Science: Learning About Earth's Weather |
Science Screen Report |
VC 550 Ear |
13:43 |
Earth Science: Glaciers |
Science Screen Report |
VC 550 Ear |
14:55 |
Geology: Our Restless Earth |
Science Screen Report |
VC 550 Geo |
14:03 |
Blue Planet, The |
Planet Earth |
VC 550 Pla |
60 |
Living Machine, The |
Planet Earth |
VC 550 Pla |
60 |
Oceanography: Riches of the Sea |
Science Screen Report |
VC 551.46 Oce |
15:14 |
Meteorology: Lightning |
Science Screen Report |
VC 551.5 Met |
17:18 |
Protecting Earth's Atmosphere |
Science Screen Report |
VC 551.5 Pro |
18:20 |
Climatology: Science Explorers |
Science Screen Report |
VC 551.6 Cli |
16:17 |
Ecology: Our Global Greenhouse |
Science Screen Report |
VC 551.6 Eco |
13:49 |
End of the dinosaurs |
Science Screen Report |
VC 567.9 End |
20:42 |
Desert: Land of Extremes |
Science Screen Report |
VC 567.9Des |
18:50 |
Genetics |
VC 573.2 Gen |
3/15 min programs |
Fate of the Neanderthals |
SS |
VC 573.Fat |
Biology: Close-up Look at Spiders and Insects |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574 Bio |
24:11:00 |
Biology: Ecology of the Human Body |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574 Bio |
15:16 |
Biology: The Life and Times |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574 Bio |
12:53 |
Biology: Changing Nature's Blueprint |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574 Bio |
13:28 |
Neuroscience: Human Memory |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Neu |
16:36 |
Physiology: Human Blood |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
15:27 |
Physiology: The Brain - Our Personal Computer |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
13:48 |
Physiology: Human Muscles |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
Physiology: Muscles and Bones |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
13:29 |
Physiology: The Mouth - The Organ of Life |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
14:35 |
Physiology: Your Skin - The Inside Story |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
14:30 |
Physiology: The Evolution of the Brain |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.1 Phy |
14:18 |
Ecology: Understanding Biodiversity |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
16:27 |
Ecology: Understanding Forest Decline |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
13:15 |
Ecology: Our Global Greenhouse |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
13:49 |
Ecology: Amazon River Studied |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
14:59 |
Ecology: Science in the Jungle Canopy |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
13:30 |
Ecology: Life at the Edge of the Sea |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
24:00 |
Ecology: Making the Right Choices |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.5 Eco |
25:08:00 |
DNA Revolution |
Twentieth Century with Mike Wallace |
VC 574.87 Dna |
50 |
Magic of Cells |
VC 574.87 Mag |
20 |
Twentieth Century with Mike Wallace: the DNA Revolution |
VC 574.87 Rwe |
50 |
Marine Biology: Coral Reefs |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.92 Mar |
25:08:00 |
Marine Science: Dolphin research |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.92 Mar |
15:11 |
Shorelone Habitats |
Science Screen Report |
VC 574.92 Sho |
16:25 |
Botany: Exploring the Future of our Plant World |
Science Screen Report |
VC 581 Bot |
14:15 |
Botany: Tree From the Age of Dinosaurs |
Science Screen Report |
VC 581 Bot |
12:51 |
Evolution of Plants |
Science Screen Report |
VC 581.4Evo |
13:21 |
Biology: The Fascinating Fungi |
Science Screen Report |
VC 589 Bio |
15:19 |
Biology -Putting Algae to Work |
Science Screen Report |
VC 589 Bio |
13:58 |
Animal Behavior: Self-Awareness |
Science Screen Report |
VC 591.51 Ani |
12:24 |
Watery Creatures |
SS |
VC 591.92 |
22:12 |
Sharks - Rulers of the Deep |
Science Screen Report |
VC 597.31 Sha |
13:50 |
Last Feast of the Crocodiles |
VC 597.98 Las |
60 |
Wings over the Serengeti: Africa's Surprising Scavenger |
National Geographic |
VC 598 Win |
60 |
Beauty and the Beast: S Leopard's story |
National Geographic |
VC 599 Bea |
60 |
Among the Wild Chimpanzees |
National Geographic |
SS |
VC 599.8 Amo |
60 |
Jane Goodall: My Life with the Chimpanzees |
SS |
VC 599.8 Jan |
60 |
Nanotechnology: The Smaller the Better |
Science Screen Report |
VC 600 Nan |
15:33 |
Technology: Sensors Extend Human Senses |
Science Screen Report |
VC 600 Tec |
22:58 |
Technology: The Microscope |
Science Screen Report |
VC 600 Tec |
14:41 |
Technology: NIST - America's Laboratory |
Science Screen Report |
VC 600 Tec |
12:44 |
American Inventors |
SS |
VC 608 Ame |
45 |
Functions of the Face |
Science Screen Report |
VC 611 Fun |
25:27 |
Major Systems and organs |
SS |
VC 611 Maj |
50 |
Neuroscience: Seeing with Our Brain |
Science Screen Report |
VC 611 Neu |
24:53:00 |
Neuroscience: Human Memory |
Science Screen Report |
VC 611 Neu |
16:36 |
Neuroscience: Mind over Movement |
Science Screen Report |
VC 611 Neu |
15:20 |
New Optics - Bringing the world into Focus |
Science Screen Report |
VC 611 New |
15:25 |
Brain:Universe within Evolution |
SS |
VC 611BRA |
26.19 |
Brain Stormers |
Discovery Channel |
SS |
VC 611BRA |
49:11 |
Spine - Comand Central |
Science Screen Report |
VC 611Spi |
12:33 |
Energy for Life |
VC 612 Ene |
13:42 |
Forgotton Sense of Touch |
SS |
VC 612.8 For |
14:45 |
Mystery of the Senses : Hearing |
Nova Adv. In Science |
VC 612.8 Hea |
Mystery of the Senses: Smell |
Nova Adv. In Science |
VC 612.8 Sme |
60 |
Mystery of the Senses: Vision |
Nova Adv. In Science |
VC 612.8 Vis |
60 |
Mystery of the Senses: Touch |
Nova Adv. In Science |
VC 612.8Tou |
60 |
Boozers and users |
SS |
VC 613.8 Boo |
Entomology: The Evolution of Bees |
Science Screen Report |
VC 614.4 Ent |
22:32 |
Influenza 1918 |
American Experience |
SS |
VC 614.4Inf |
60 |
Anxiety Disorders |
World of Abnormal Psyc |
SS |
VC 616 Anx |
60 |
EBOLA : The Plague Fighters |
VC 616 Ebo |
60 |
Looking at Abnormal Behavior |
World of Abnormal Psyc |
SS |
VC 616 Loo |
60 |
Mood Disorders |
World of Abnormal Psyc |
SS |
VC 616 Moo |
Nature of Stress |
World of Abnormal Psyc |
SS |
VC 616 Nat |
60 |
Outbreak! The New Plagues |
Twentieth Century with Mike Wallace |
SS |
VC 616 Out |
Personality Disorder |
World of Abnormal Psyc |
SS |
VC 616 Per |
Psychogical Factors & Physical Illness |
World of Abnormal Psyc |
SS |
VC 616 Psy |
Twentieh Century with Mike Wallace: Outbreak! The new plagues |
VC 616 Twe |
50 |
Immune system at Work |
Science Screen Report |
VC 616.07 Imm |
16:10 |
Black Death |
SS |
VC 616.9 Bla |
50 |
Mystery of the Senses: Taste |
Nova Adv. In Science |
VC 618 Tas |
60 |
Engineering: Tiny Nano World |
Science Screen Report |
VC 620 Eng |
16:13 |
Engineering: Keeping Us Out of Harms Way |
Science Screen Report |
VC 620 Eng |
12:43 |
Engineering: Solving Today's Problems |
Science Screen Report |
VC 620 Eng |
12:52 |
Engineering: Making It Work |
Science Screen Report |
VC 620 Eng |
12:12 |
Biotechnology: Cleaning up with Microbes |
Science Screen Report |
VC 620.8 Bio |
15:26 |
Lasers: The Science of Light Amplification |
Science Screen Report |
VC 621.36 Las |
12:47 |
Empire of the Air: The men who made radio |
Ken Burn's America Series |
VC 621.384 |
120 |
Brooklyn Bridge |
Ken Burn's America Series |
VC 624.55 |
58 |
Robots of the New Millennium |
Science Screen Report |
VC 629.8 Rob |
Agricultural Science: Seeds for Tomorrow |
Science Screen Report |
VC 630.2 Agr |
12:22 |
Ants - Our Tiny Neighbors |
Science Screen Report |
VC 632Ant |
12:40 |
Conservation: Mission Manatee |
Science Screen Report |
VC 639.9 Con |
14:17 |
Mr. Sears' Catalogue |
The American Experience |
SS |
VC 658.87 |
59 |
Genetic Engineering: The Plant that Grows Plastic |
Science Screen Repor |
VC 660 Gen |
14:30 |
Upon these grounds: Exploring White House Gardens |
SS |
VC 712Upo |
Pyramids and the cities of the Pharaohs |
SS |
VC 722.2 Pyr |
75 |
Pyramid |
David Mcauley |
SS |
VC 722.2Pyr |
60 |
Cathedral, The Story of its construction |
David Mcauley |
SS |
VC 726CAT |
Roman City |
David Mcauley |
SS |
VC 727.7Rom |
60 |
Castle |
SS |
VC 729 Cas |
4/15 min programs |
Cathedral |
SS |
VC 729 Cat |
4/15 min programs |
Learn Basic Drawing |
FA |
VC 741 Lea |
60 |
Picasso |
Portrait of an artist |
FA |
VC 759 Pic |
82 |
Connecticut: Seasons of Light |
FA |
VC 759.05 Con |
53 |
Impressionists on the Seine... |
FA |
VC 759.05 Imp |
30 |
Sister Wendy's Story of Painting: The Age of Revolution |
FA |
VC 759.05 Sis |
60 |
Van Gogh's Van Goghs |
FA |
VC 759.05 Van |
57 |
Roy Lichtenstein |
Portrait of an artist |
FA |
VC 759.13 |
51 |
Day in the country - Impressionism and the French Landscape |
Fine arts series |
FA |
VC 759.5 Day |
30 |
Goya: awakened in a dream ) |
The Artists' Special |
FA |
VC 759.6 Goy |
55 |
Frescoes of Diego Rivera |
Portrait of an artist |
FA |
VC 759.97 Fre |
35 |
Star-Spangled Banner |
SS |
VC 780STS |
Jazz (10 vol. Set) |
FA |
VC 781.65 |
120 ea |
Real Olympics |
SS |
VC 796.48 Rea |
110 |
Real Olympics, The -rercorded |
SS |
VC 796.48 Res |
110 |
Blood and Honor: the first Olympics |
Ancient Mysteries |
SS |
VC 796.48Blo |
50 |
English Composition |
Standard Deviants Presents |
VC 808 Eng |
2:15 |
With a feminine touch |
The Heritage Collection |
Eng |
VC 808.81 Wit |
43 |
Symbolism and Allegory in short fiction |
Literary Vision |
SS |
VC 809 Sym |
20 |
How Theatre Began |
VC 809.2 How |
America in Portrait |
Heritage collection |
Eng |
VC 811 Ame |
Great Speeches |
VC 815.08 Gre |
Chaucer reads Chaucer: The Miller's Tale |
VC 821 Cha |
60 |
William Wordsworth and the English Lakes |
VC 821.6 Wil |
15 |
Rime of the Ancient Mariner |
VC 821.7 Rim |
52 |
Antigone, copy 2 (different producer) |
Eng |
VC 822 Ant |
120 |
Mirror to man -recorded |
Shaping the Western World |
VC 822 Mir |
Shakespeare on Stage |
VC 822 Sha |
9/25min pro |
King Lear |
VC 822.33 |
180 |
Julius Caesar |
SS |
VC 822.33 |
120 |
Hamlet (Mel Gibson) 2 copies |
VC 822.33 Ham |
96 |
Hamlet, part II (Laurence Olivia) |
VC 822.33 Ham |
Hamlet, part I (Laurence Olivia) |
VC 822.33 Ham |
Henry V -recorded |
VC 822.33 Hen |
120 |
Macbeth (Roman Polanski) |
VC 822.33 Mac |
2:20 |
Macbeth (Orson Wells) |
VC 822.33 Mac |
1:30 |
McKellan's Shakespeare -recorded |
VC 822.33 McK |
Midsummer Night's Dream (Michele Pfeiffer) 3 copies |
VC 822.33 Mid |
130 |
Midsummer Night's Dream (Diana Rigg) |
VC 822.33 Mid |
119 |
Midsummer Night's Dream |
VC 822.33 Mid |
130 |
Othello |
VC 822.33 Oth |
rec |
Romeo and Juliet 2 parts |
VC 822.33 Rom |
rec |
Cyrano de Bergerac |
VC 842 Cyr |
114 |
Antigone, copy 1 |
Eng |
VC 882 Ant |
120 |
Opedipus |
VC 882 Oed |
120 |
Oedipus at Colonus, pt II |
VC 882 Oed |
120 |
Oedipus at Colonus, pt I |
VC 882 Oed |
120 |
Oedipus the King |
VC 882 Oed |
120 |
Odyssey (Ulysesses) |
VC 883 Ody |
105 |
Age of Enlightenment |
SS |
VC 901.9 |
An Age of Revolutions |
European series |
SS |
VC 904 Age |
25 |
M&M Millennium((11th-19thCentury) 4 vol set |
SS |
VC 909 CNN |
History of the Middle Ages |
SS |
VC 909.07 His |
Deadly Duels - Duels of Chivalry |
SS |
VC 909.1Dea |
50 |
Arming of the Earth |
Walk through the 20th Century with Bill Moyer |
SS |
VC 909.8 Arm |
60 |
TR and his times |
Walk through the 20th Century with Bill Moyer |
SS |
VC 909.82 |
Out of the depths |
Walk through the 20th Century with Bill Moyer |
SS |
VC 909.82 |
58 |
1950-1959 Vol VI |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1960-1964 Vol VII |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1965-1969 Vol. VIII |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1970-1979 9 Vol. |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1970-1979 10 Vol. |
Sensational 70's |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60each |
1900-1909 Vol. 1 |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1930-1939 Vol. IV |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
History of the 20th Century - 9 volumes |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60each |
1980-1989 10 Volumes |
History of the 80's |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60each |
1920-1929 Vol. III |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1910-1919 Vol. II |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
1940-1949 Vol V |
History of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 909.82 Nin |
60 |
World Hot Spots: Update |
SS |
VC 909.82 Wor |
Home Front 1940-1945 3 volumes |
SS |
VC 909.87 |
60 |
Civilization, A Personal View by Lord Clark 7 vol. 13 programs |
Landmark Series |
SS |
VC 909.Civ |
50 |
Africa: Safari, so good |
SS |
VC 910 Afr |
30 |
Thirty years of National Geographic Specials |
SS |
VC 910 Nat |
90 |
North America |
Standard Deviants TV |
SS |
VC 910 Nor |
30 |
Russian around Europe |
Standard Deviants TV |
SS |
VC 910 Rus |
30 |
Back Roads of Europe |
SS |
VC 914 Bac |
70 |
Greece |
SS |
VC 914 Gre |
58 |
Touring Scotland |
Travel the World Series |
SS |
VC 914 Sco |
65 |
Switzerland, Berner Alps, Western Switzerland |
SS |
VC 914 Swi |
52 |
Touring Ireland |
Travel the World Series |
SS |
VC 914.15 Tou |
65 |
Great Britain, London and Edinburgh |
Travel the World Series |
SS |
VC 914.2 Gre |
52 |
Touring England |
SS |
VC 914.2 Tou |
65 |
France-Paris, Normandy and Brittany |
Travel the World Series |
SS |
VC 914.4 Fra |
France-Burgundy, Provence and the Loire 2 copies |
Travel the World Series |
SS |
VC 914.4 Fra |
Touring France |
SS |
VC 914.4 Tou |
52 |
Italy, Venice, Florence |
Travel the World Series |
SS |
VC 914.5 Ita |
52 |
Istanbul |
SS |
VC 914.96 Ist |
Touring China |
SS |
VC 915 Tou |
68 |
China |
World's Greatest Train Ride Video Series |
SS |
VC 915.1 Chi |
58 |
India |
World's Greatest Train Ride Video Series |
SS |
VC 915.4 Ind |
52 |
Kenya |
World's Greatest Train Ride Video Series |
SS |
VC 916 Ken |
53 |
Baka: People of the Forest National Geographic |
SS |
VC 916..7 |
60 |
Egypt |
World's Greatest Train Ride Videos |
SS |
VC 916.2 Egy |
60 |
Giant Nile 3 volumes |
SS |
VC 916.2 Gia |
All Aboard for Philadelphia |
SS |
VC 917 All |
34 |
Mexico |
World's Greatest Train Ride Video Series |
SS |
VC 917.2 Mex |
43 |
Modern Puerto Rico |
Flan |
VC 917.295 Mod |
40 |
Rediscover America |
SS |
VC 917.3 Red |
65 |
Road to Freedom: CT Freedom Trail |
SS |
VC 917.46 |
41 |
Arctic Kingdom: Life at the edge |
National Geographic |
SS |
VC 919.8 Arc |
60 |
Biography of the millenium (set of 4) |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 920 Bio |
50 each |
Conquerors |
The Learning Channel |
SS |
VC 920 Con |
120 |
Attila Scourge of God |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Alt |
50 |
Marie Antoinette, The Tragic Queen |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Ant |
50 |
Attila: Sourge of God |
SS |
VC 921 Att |
50 |
Beethoven |
SS |
VC 921 Bee |
60 |
Tom Hart Benton |
SS |
VC 921 Ben |
86 |
Napoleon Bonaparte: The Glory of France |
SS |
VC 921 Bon |
50 |
Fie Castro: El Comandante |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Cas |
50 |
Churchill |
Heroes & Villains of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 921 Chu |
40 |
Winston Churchill/Ike |
SS |
VC 921 Chu |
90 |
Cleopratra: Destiny's Queen |
SS |
VC 921 Cle |
50 |
Confucius: Words of Wisdom |
SS |
VC 921 Con |
50 |
Stephen Crane |
VC 921 Cra |
Rise & Fall oJim CrowI-Don't Shoot To Soon Prog 3 |
SS |
VC 921 Cro |
56 |
Rise & Fall of Jim Crow -Terror and Triumph Prog. 4 |
SS |
VC 921 Cro |
56 |
Emily Dickinson |
American Literature |
VC 921 Dic |
22 |
Thomas Eakins: A Motion Portrait |
SS |
VC 921 Eak |
Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen 2 copies |
SS |
VC 921 Eli |
50 |
F. Scott Fitzgerald -recorded |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Fit |
Sigmund Freud, Analysis of a Mind |
SS |
VC 921 Fre |
50 |
Gandhi |
Heroes & Villains of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 921 Gan |
35 |
Genghis Kahn, Terror and Conquest |
SS |
VC 921 Gen |
50 |
Earnest Hemingway -Grace Under Pressure |
American Literature |
Eng |
VC 921 Hem |
55 |
Henry VIII - Scandal of a King 2 copies |
SS |
VC 921 Hen |
100 |
They Called Me Kathy |
VC 921 Hep |
28 |
Adolph Hitler |
Heroes & Villains of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 921 Hit |
54 |
Ivan the terrible |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Iva |
50 |
Henry James |
VC 921 Jam |
Kahlo: Portrait of an Artist |
FA |
VC 921 Kah |
62 |
Buster Keaton: The General -recorded |
VC 921 Kea |
Ayatollah Khomeini, Holy Terror |
SS |
VC 921 KHO |
50 |
Ray Kroc -Fast Food Millionaire |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Kro |
50 |
Lenin |
Heroes & Villains of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 921 Len |
40 |
Vladimir Lenin |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Len |
50 |
Leonardo da Vinci |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Leo |
50 |
Lincoln 4 volumes |
SS |
VC 921 Lin |
60 |
Huey Long |
Ken Burn's America Series |
SS |
VC 921 Lon |
88 |
Herman Melville |
VC 921 Mel |
Michelangelo: Artist and Man |
FA |
VC 921 Mic |
50 |
Mussolini |
Heroes & Villains of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 921 Mus |
60 |
Georgia O'Keefe |
FA |
VC 921 O'Ke |
60 |
Edgar Allan Pie |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Poe |
Marco Polo |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Pol |
50 |
Ponce de Leon: the first conquistador |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Pon |
50 |
Ronald Regan, An American President |
SS |
VC 921 Rea |
Rasputin, The Mad Monk |
SS |
VC 921 Ren |
50 |
Richard the Lionheart |
SS |
VC 921 Ric |
50 |
Diego Rivera |
Portrait of an artist |
FA |
VC 921 Riv |
35 |
Norman Rockwells World |
An American Dream |
SS |
VC 921 Roc |
Heroes and Villian of the 20th Century |
SS |
VC 921 Roo |
Carl Sandburg: Poet of the People |
SS |
VC 921 San |
23 |
Gift from Albert Schweitzer recorded |
VC 921 Sch |
Leslie Marmon Silko |
Native American novelists |
SS |
VC 921 Sil |
42 |
Dave Thomas -Made to Order |
A&E Biography |
SS |
VC 921 Tho |
50 |
Toulouse-Lautrec |
Portrait of an artist |
SS |
VC 921 Tou |
60 |
King Tut 4 Vol. |
SS |
VC 921 Tut |
50 |
Andy Warhol |
Portrait of an artist |
FA |
VC 921 War |
79 |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
Portrait of an artist |
FA |
VC 921 Wri |
75 |
Real World of Andrew Wyeth |
VC 921 Wye |
69 |
Hail to the Chief |
SS |
VC 923.1 Hai |
95 |
Portraits of Am. Presidents 3 vol. 1 bklt 2 copies |
SS |
VC 923.1 Por |
220 |
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World |
SS |
VC 930 Sev |
Stonehenge and the ancient britons |
SS |
VC 930 Sto |
50 |
Ancient River Civilization odern World) |
Western Man and the |
SS |
VC 932 Anc |
40 |
Egypt: Quest for Immortality |
Time Life Lost Civilization |
SS |
VC 932 Egy |
48 |
Mesopotamia: return to Eden 2 copies |
Time Life Lost Civilization |
SS |
VC 935 Mes |
48 |
Barbarians (Foot Soldier) |
SS |
VC 937 Bar |
50 |
Hail Caesar Justinian, The Last of the Romans |
SS |
VC 937 Hai |
50 |
Rise and decline of the Roman Empire |
SS |
VC 937 Ris |
19:10 |
Roman Roads, Path to Empire |
SS |
VC 937 Rom |
50 |
Roman Empire |
SS |
VC 937 Rom |
Rome: The Ultimate Empire |
SS |
VC 937 Rom |
48 |
Rome & Pompeii |
SS |
VC 937 Rom |
Punic Wars |
SS |
VC 937.04 Pun |
50 |
Pompeii Part II - Revealed |
SS |
VC 937.06 Pom |
Pompeii Part I - Destroyed |
SS |
VC 937.06 Pom |
Who built the Catacombs? |
Ancient Mysteries |
SS |
VC 937.07 Who |
50 |
Pompeii |
SS |
VC 937.7 Pom |
50 |
Aegean: Legacy of Atlantis |
Time Life Lost Civilization |
SS |
VC 938 Aeg |
48 |
Athens & Ancient Greece |
SS |
VC 938 Ath |
70 |
Greece and Rome |
SS |
VC 938 Gre |
26 |
Greece, A Moment of Excellence 2 copies |
Time Life Lost Civilization |
SS |
VC 938 Gre |
48 |
Macedonia, Land of a God 2 Vol. |
SS |
VC 938 Mac |
210 |
Crete & Mycenae |
SS |
VC 939.18 |
54 |
Knight |
SS |
VC 940.1 Kni |
Knights of the Round Table |
SS |
VC 940.1 Kni |
116 |
Middle Ages |
SS |
VC 940.1 Mid |
Middle Ages |
Just the facts |
SS |
VC 940.1 Mid |
50 |
Serf |
Life in the Middle ages |
SS |
VC 940.1 Ser |
23 |
Towns, Trade & Fairs |
Western Man and the Modern World |
SS |
VC 940.1 Tow |
28:46 |
Feudalism, Lords and Vassals |
SS |
VC 940.14 Feu |
Children's Crusade |
History mysteries |
SS |
VC 940.18 Chi |
50 |
Renaissance |
Just the facts |
SS |
VC 940.2 Ren |
50 |
Revolutions of 1848 |
SS |
VC 940.2 Rev |
Protestant Reformation |
SS |
VC 940.23 Pro |
Industrial Revolution |
SS |
VC 940.28 Ind |
America Over There |
SS |
VC 940.3 Ame |
72 |
Great War I, |
Origins - WWII |
SS |
VC 940.3 Gre |
35 |
Causes of World War I: 2nd edition |
SS |
VC 940.311 Cau |
34 |
Prelude to War: World at the brink/U.S. War Dept. |
SS |
VC 940.5 Pre |
54 |
Auschwitz: If you cried, you died |
SS |
VC 940.53 Aus |
24 |
Last Days/documentary |
SS |
VC 940.53 Las |
87 |
World War II: Breadline to Boomtimes 3 vol. |
SS |
VC 940.53 Wor |
60 ea |
Causes of World War II: 2nd edition |
SS |
VC 940.531 Cau |
47 |
America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference |
PBS American Experience |
SS |
VC 940.54 Ame |
90 |
Battle of China |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 Bat |
65 |
Battle of Britain : the finest hour |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 Bat |
55 |
Battle of Russia: the Nazi March Frozen |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 Bat |
83 |
Divide and Conquer: 1943 |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 Div |
54 |
Divide and Conquer: Europe in Flames |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 Div |
58 |
Hiroshima and Nagasaki |
SS |
VC 940.54 Hir |
Hiroshima |
SS |
VC 940.54 Hir |
75 |
Journey of the Butterfly |
SS |
VC 940.54 Jou |
62 |
Nazi Strike: Blitzkrieg! |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 Naz |
41 |
Pearl Harbor, the eyewitness |
SS |
VC 940.54 Pea |
Prelude to War |
SS |
VC 940.54 Pre |
52 |
Victory at Sea 6 vols. |
Special Collector's Edition |
SS |
VC 940.54 Vic |
103 each |
War Comes to America, 1945 B & W |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 War |
66 |
War comes to America, The Front at Home B & W |
Why we fight |
SS |
VC 940.54 War |
67 |
War Comes To America |
SS |
VC 940.54 War |
55 |
World War II - Pacific |
SS |
VC 940.54 Wor |
32 |
World War II with Walter Cronkite |
SS |
VC 940.54 Wor |
90 each |
World War II - Europe |
SS |
VC 940.54 Wor |
32 |
Peasants' Revolt: Breaking the Feudal System |
SS |
VC 941.01 Pea |
50 |
Castle |
SS |
VC 942 Cas |
57.18 |
Stratford-upon-Avon and the Shakespeare Country |
SS |
VC 942.05 Str |
55 |
Master Race |
History in Action |
SS |
VC 943 Mas |
20 |
Then They Came for me: intolerance in modern Germany |
SS |
VC 943.087 Rea |
50 |
French Revolution 2 copies |
SS |
VC 944.04 Fre |
Spain |
SS |
VC 946 Spa |
30 |
Eastern Europe: The Curtain Rises |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 947 Eas |
18 |
Russia's Last Tzar |
National Geographic |
SS |
VC 947.08 Rus |
60 |
Vikings |
SS |
VC 948 Vik |
Viking Ships |
SS |
VC 948 Vik |
50 |
Bzyantium: The Lost Empire |
SS |
VC 949.5 Byz |
200 |
China: Dynasties of Power |
Time Life Lost Civilizations |
SS |
VC 951 Chi |
48 |
China: Beyond the Clouds 2 Vol. |
SS |
VC 951 Chi |
115ea |
China: Emerging Powers: |
An insiders guide |
SS |
VC 951 Chi |
50 |
Imperial tombs of China |
SS |
VC 951 Imp |
60 |
Tibet: The End of Time 2 copies |
Time Life Lost Civilizati |
SS |
VC 951.5 Tib |
48 |
Korea: War, Prosperity & Democracy |
SS |
VC 951.9 Kor |
1:33 |
Japan 4 volumes |
SS |
VC 952 Jap |
60 ea |
Arab World 5 Vol. |
SS |
VC 954 Ara |
39 |
Desert Triumph, Complete story of the Persian Gulf War 3 Vol. |
SS |
VC 956.704 Des |
Inside the West Bank |
SS |
VC 956.94 Ins |
30 |
Echoes from the Wall: history, learning and leadership through the lens of the Vietnam War era |
SS |
VC 959.7 Vie |
46:30 |
To Heal a Nation |
SS |
VC 959.704 To |
99 |
Vietnam: the War that divided America |
SS |
VC 959.704 Vic |
48 |
Vietnam: a chronicle of a war |
SS |
VC 959.704 Vie |
89 |
Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War 6 Vol. |
SS |
VC 959.704 Vie |
585 total |
Africa -A History Denied 2 copies |
Time Life Lost Civilizations |
SS |
VC 960 Afr |
48 |
Africa: The Bible & the Gun |
SS |
VC 960 Afr |
114 |
Masai women |
Disappearing World |
SS |
VC 965 Mas |
52 |
Cortes & Pizarro |
SS |
VC 972.02 Cor |
Central America close-up. El Salvador/Guatemala |
SS |
VC 972.8 Cen |
28 |
Maya: The Blood of Kings 2 copies |
Time Life Lost Civilizati |
SS |
VC 972.81 May |
48 |
Island of Puerto |
SS |
VC 972.95 Isl |
28 |
Mi Puerto |
SS |
VC 972.95 Mi |
85 |
Puerto Rico: History and Culture |
SS |
VC 972.95 Pue |
Civics and Government |
SS |
VC 973 Civ |
Expansionism |
Origins - WW II |
SS |
VC 973 Exp |
35 |
Democracy and Reform |
Origins -WW II |
SS |
VC 973.56 Dem |
35 |
Causes of the Civil War, (Origins of WW II) |
SS |
VC 973.7 Cau |
35 |
Gettysburg (2 parts) |
SS |
VC 973.7 Get |
260 |
War between the states |
SS |
VC 973.7 War |
50 |
Opening the West |
SS |
VC 973.8 Ope |
60 |
Reconstruction & Segregation |
Origins - WW II |
SS |
VC 973.8 Rec |
35 |
Spanish American War |
As it happens |
SS |
VC 973.8 Spa |
100 |
Splendid Little War (Spanish American War) |
SS |
VC 973.8 Spl |
55 |
Immigration & cultural change |
Origins - WWII |
SS |
VC 973.9 Imm |
35 |
Nation in Turmoil |
Origins - WWII |
SS |
VC 973.9 Nat |
35 |
Poverty in America |
In our time |
SS |
VC 973.9 Pov |
Progressive Movement |
Origins - WWII |
SS |
VC 973.9 Pro |
35 |
Warring and Roaring |
SS |
VC 973.91 Mas |
60 |
Fabulous 60's, 1960 through1969 10 Vol. |
SS |
VC 973.92 War |
55 ea |
Fabulous Sixies: an overview |
SS |
VC 973.923 Fab |
49 |
Bush Administratiion: Challenges and Changes |
N.Y.T. Current Affairs |
SS |
VC 973.928 Bus |
19 |
Statue of Liberty 2 copies |
Ken Burn's America Series |
SS |
VC 974.7 Sta |
58 |
Thomas Hart Benton |
Ken Burn's America Series |
SS |
VC 974.7 Sta |
86 |
Harlem Diary |
SS |
VC 974.71Har |
60 |
Inside the White House |
National Geographic) |
SS |
VC 975.3 Ins |
90 |
Inca: Secrets of the Ancestors 2 copies |
Time Life Lost Civilizati |
SS |
VC 980.3 Inc |
48 |