Francis T. Maloney High School

Maloney Wrestling wins first match of the season 54-to 16 over Rocky Hill.

It is that time of year again.  Yesterday, Maloney was at Rocky Hill for our first wrestling match of the season.  Maloney won the bout 54-16.
The Spartans secured 3 Pins (Falls) and about 6 forfeits.  The details of the pins are below:
Dairo Garcia (138) - Fall :59
 Yadiel Colon (165) - Fall 1:34 (First varsity win and first match ever!)
Nosaj Watson (190) - Fall 3:51 with score 16-9 (with new point rule change).
Lots of new wrestlers on the team with tons of potential for the season to come.  This Saturday, Maloney will be at the Plainville Invitational.  Thanks!